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Ask These Questions to a Nonprofit Strategic Planning Coach to Choose the Right One for Your Organization

August 04, 2023
2 min read

Nonprofit strategic planning, much like its for-profit counterpart, is an essential component for an organization's path to success. The infusion of an expert coach in this area can provide invaluable insights, perspectives, and direction. However, it's critical to identify the ideal fit for your organization. The process to ascertain the most suitable candidate can seem nebulous and overwhelming, but by carefully preparing a set of pertinent questions for potential coaches, the task becomes methodical and result-oriented.

Laying the Groundwork

Begin with an understanding of their background and experience. While a coach's theoretical knowledge is important, practical experience within the nonprofit sector is invaluable. Ask them about their work with organizations similar to yours. Get a sense of their understanding of your mission, the challenges you face and the landscape you operate within.

Their response would offer insights into their expertise and capacity for empathy and adaptability, elements that are crucial in a coach's repertoire. A study of leadership by Daniel Goleman highlighted the importance of empathy and adaptability for effective leadership, traits equally relevant for a coach.

Understanding the Approach

Secondly, delve into their approach to strategic planning. Nonprofit strategic planning is often a complex process, requiring the integration of organizational mission, stakeholder interests, resource allocation, and future uncertainty.

Ask these coaches about their understanding of the Balanced Scorecard approach, or the OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Measures) model, or the Theory of Change, for instance. These models offer different perspectives on strategic planning and the coach's comprehension and adaptability to these can provide a glimpse into their versatility.

For instance, the Balanced Scorecard approach, first introduced by Kaplan and Norton, focuses on financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth perspectives. Contrastingly, the OGSM method allows for a streamlined alignment of objectives and strategies, while the Theory of Change lays out causal linkages between actions and outcomes. Each model has its strengths and drawbacks and a nuanced understanding of them indicates a coach's preparedness for the role.

Aligning with Organizational Culture

Thirdly, gauge their compatibility with your organizational culture. The coach’s ability to understand and adapt to your organization’s culture is as crucial as their knowledge and experience. As Schein's model of organizational culture suggests, the alignment of assumptions, values, and artifacts is paramount for success.

The dialogue should focus on their understanding of your organization's culture and their strategies to work within it. Do they have a plan to engage with your team, understand their motivations and apprehensions, and build trust? A coach is not a solitary figure; their work involves engagement at various levels of your organization.

Measurement and Evaluation

Lastly, enquire how they measure success and track progress. The efficacy of a strategic plan is in its execution and a coach’s role includes not merely the creation of a plan but also its implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

According to the Kirkpatrick Model, the evaluation of an intervention involves reactions, learning, behavior, and results. Each of these points needs specific metrics for measurement. An experienced coach would be well-versed in identifying and developing these indicators.

In conclusion, the journey to find the right strategic planning coach for your nonprofit organization is a meticulous and thoughtful process, involving an exploration of their past experiences, strategic planning models, cultural adaptability, and evaluation methods. Equipped with the right questions, you are well placed to identify a coach who can drive your organization towards its strategic goals.


Related Questions

A coach's background and experience in the nonprofit sector is crucial as it offers insights into their expertise, their capacity for empathy and adaptability, and their understanding of the organization's mission, challenges, and landscape.

Some of the necessary traits for effective leadership and coaching include empathy and adaptability.

Some models of strategic planning include the Balanced Scorecard approach, the OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Measures) model, and the Theory of Change.

The Balanced Scorecard approach focuses on financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth perspectives.

A coach's compatibility with the organizational culture is important as it ensures the alignment of assumptions, values, and artifacts, which is crucial for the success of the strategic plan.

A coach's role in the implementation of a strategic plan includes not only the creation of the plan but also its implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

The points of evaluation in the Kirkpatrick Model include reactions, learning, behavior, and results.

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